Dr. Laurel Parnell is an internationally recognized clinical psychologist, author, consultant and EMDR trainer.
She is the author of six books on EMDR, Attachment Focused EMDR
Healing Relational Trauma (W.W. Norton, 2013); A Therapist’s Guide to EMDR, Tools and Techniques for Successful Treatment (W.W. Norton 2006); Tapping In (Sounds True, 2007); Transforming Trauma: EMDR (W.W. Norton 1997); and EMDR in the Treatment of Adults Abused as Children (W.W. Norton 1999). She also authored a book chapter “Postpartum Depression: Helping a New Mother to Bond” in Extending EMDR, and the EMDR Casebook (Manfield, ed. 1998 W.W.Norton 2003). Dr. Parnell has trained thousands of clinicians in EMDR both nationally and internationally.
Dr. Parnell’s dissertation research was on the interpersonal dynamics of battering couples and her post doctoral training was in family violence. She has presented her research findings at several professional conferences and has trained therapists and probation officers. Dr. Parnell also has expertise in the area of transpersonal psychology. She has taught at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and was core faculty at John F. Kennedy University in the Graduate School for the Study of Human Consciousness, Department of Transpersonal Psychology. She has written and lectured on the subject of EMDR as a Transpersonal Psychology both nationally and internationally. Dr. Parnell’s article Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Spiritual Unfolding (PDF 7MB) published in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology provides a description of the spiritual experiences many clients have during and after EMDR sessions.
Since 1995, Dr. Parnell has been training therapists in EMDR. She currently teaches through Alliant International University, Omega Institute, Omega at the Crossings, Esalen Institute, The New York Open Center, ID Institut in Kassel Germany and Kripalu Center. Her professional presentations on EMDR include the 1994 American Psychological Association convention, the EMDR International Association Conferences of 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, and 2003, the EMDR European Conference in Rome, Italy and the 1996 Association for Transpersonal Psychology Conference. She presented for many years on EMDR with Adults Sexually Abused as Children, at EMDR Institute Level II trainings.
Dr. Parnell has been interviewed for television, radio, and print on EMDR. Her private practice is in San Rafael, California.